
Madison Beer is a future star

Madison Beer is a fourteen years old girl who is discovered by Justin Bieber. Justin tweeted her on July 2012 to his 25 millions followers that Madison Beer is a future star. Madison was instantly propelled into the spotlight. Her cover of singing the mashup of Bruno Mars has now racked up over 696,000 views on YouTube and her name was trending worldwide on twitter. Justin tweeted more than one tweet. He also tweeted to Bruno Mars to see the video of Madison singing the mashup.

One month ago, Madison uploaded a video on Youtube. It is her new songs called Valentine. And She sings her song with the superstar-Cody Simpson. Madison said on the video description that We can get the song free on her website www.madisonbeer.com. {I’ve listened to the song and according to my opinion she really can sing and I know that she will be a big star someday.}

Justin was also surprising Madison Beer on the Believe Tour in London (5/03/13). He sang Happy Birthday to Madison Beer on stage and all beliebers were singing together too. Madison was so happy and her face put a smile.

We know the last artist that Justin promoted, she is Carly Rae Japsen. She is now touring with Justin Bieber- Believe Tour and she has an album called KISS. So do you think that Madison Beer will be a future star like Justin said? Does she have the talent and make it big?

Before you comment or tell me your thoughts, you gotta watch all her videos and her song. Don’t jugde her before you know her well ;)

Find Madison Beer on: Twitter Youtube Website Instagram 

Sofina Albarika

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